Album Review: Devastator - Conjurers of Cruelty
Reviewed by Rick Eaglestone
As a reviewer we are in the very fortunate position of being in the position of listening to releases in advance, however it does have an adverse reaction because when an album such as this comes along especially when the bands debut Baptised in Blasphemy was so strong there is already a strong level of anticipation and the temptation to overplay something just because it’s everything and more you wanted, well ladies and gentlemen Conjurers of Cruelty has caused a division in the Eaglestone household as it was politely requested that I maybe not listen to so much or constantly bring in up at the dinner table…
Opening instrumental track Beyond The Gate is a bell tolling foreboding soundscape which serves as the perfect offering for the albums title track Conjurers Of Cruelty which has some gloriously dominant basslines as well and an undeniable head swinging gallop throughout.
Black Witchery maintains the blackened thrash elements from the bands debut with added Kilmister, so to does Ritual Abuse in parts but the band take a dip into the black metal well and honestly I can’t even put into words just how huge it sounds and also just how well it words, the tempo shifts, the atmospherics, the used of acoustic elements – the whole track from start to finish is just so well crafted and easily my highlight track of the release.

The combination of Walpurgisnacht and Necromantic Lust remind of just why I fell in love with this band, and it moves into almost death doom territory for Deathspell Defloration in the track’s early parts although its not long before the band take their foot of the gas and unleash hell but the slower brooding elements that are the heartbeat really do stand out.
Bestial Rites is just an unapologetic assault on the senses, do not let the mid-section lull you into a false sense of security as honestly the concluding section sounds like when you put a 33 on a 45rpm. This is followed by Sharpen The Blade and the albums concluding offering the ambitious nearly eight-minute Rabid Morbid Death which really highlights the bands ever evolving musical maturity in all its glory.
Those buying the CD version of Conjurers Of Cruelty will have the enjoyment of two bonus tracks – both singles released by the band Liar in Wait and Death Forever both contain a plethora of solos are quintessential Devastator at their absolute best and great additions.
Suffice to say I am huge fan of this album, the production level, the technical amplification of fast paced ferocity in All its compact unholy glory is a joy to behold and when that purple LP arrives here, I am fully ready to follow the left-hand path even more.
An Expansive Exploration of Evil