Live Review: Ingested - Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
22nd April 2024
Support: Fallujah and Melancolia
Words: Dan Phipps
Photos: Tim Finch
It has been twelve months since Ingested were last in Nottingham where they absolutely destroyed the main room at Rock City in support of Cannibal Corpse. Now exactly 365 days later with the leap year in 2024 the band are back this time at Rescue Rooms to give the city another thorough kicking.
Australian band Melancolia opens up the evening's event while the majority of the crowd are forming a very orderly queue for the bar. Now the band are technically proficient with the guitar work however unfortunately there was not a memorable riff in sight. Add this to the frontman who has some quite unfortunate hygiene antics involving spit and snot.
The band does little for me, some of the crowd are enjoying it but it's tough to tell if it's more being polite than anything. Saving grace was Mason Page the bands drummer who was an absolute beast behind the kit offering some great fills especially some of the sections of the bands set where the backing track was used heavily, but other than that it was a quickly forgettable experience.
So the only time previously seeing Fallujah was at the Whiskey a Go Go in Hollywood with severe jet lag. Needless to say, that was not the most fun experience ever. At one point I will not lie but I may have fallen asleep. So understandably I was eager to see if being awake and not suffering a 10 plus hour flight would change things.
The band are not my usual thing when it comes to technical death metal but there is no denying that the band are a ferocious live act with Scott Carstairs getting the money's worth on his Floyd Rose. The crowd are certainly enjoying the set but really in more of a watching capacity than causing all out mayhem, there are some instances of more movement but they seem more enchanted by the bands playing.
The sizable crowd is ready and waiting for the Mancunian death metal machine and explode upon impact. Ingested spend literally zero time getting the crowd pumped as they flow quickly through a selection of tracks taken from the bands most recent outputs The Tide of Death and Fractured Dreams and Ashes Lie Still. It's no messing and all business tonight in Nottingham, from both the band and the crowd as they reciprocate the bands intensity with endless movement and a steady stream of crowd surfers throughout.
Ingested delve into the back catalogue quite substantially from the mid point of the setlist as they dig out tracks like Cremated Existence and Copremesis, I have seen this band more times than I can remember since 2007 and hearing these two classic tracks from the Surpassing the Boundaries of Human Suffering and North West Slam Fest split (alongside fellow North West acts Crepitation and Kastrated) was very enjoyable.
The band depart the stage only to return with a crushing two track encore in which the band fully finish off the crowd, and exit to almighty uproar from tonight's audience.