Live Review: Hyperdontia – Billy Bootleggers, Nottingham
24th May 2024
Support: Dreor, Barren, Disengagement
Words: Patrick O'Reilly
The first visit to Billy Bootleggers for me was on Friday 24th May for a night of Infection and Derangement as the tour is titled, courtesy of Hyperdontia and chums. Promoter Tom O’Gorman served up a smorgasbord of death metal with local bands and foreign imports combining for a devastating attack that spanned the whole evening.
First up were local act Dreor. A real throwback to the origins of the genre, Dreor play festering old school death metal with heart and energy. Vocalist/Drummer Nate channels the spirit of Chris Reifert of Autopsy performing double duties but is ably supported by his bandmates. Shades of so many bands you love can be found in Dreor’s music, from Bolt Thrower to Benediction, they are a real gem in the UK death metal scene and with more experience live and in the studio should be a force to be reckoned with.
Taking the stage next were Belgian purveyors of ‘Chainsaw Grind’ Barren who really upped the pace!! Chainsaw grind is the perfect way to describe their music, fast, brutal and absolutely ripping!! Vocalist Cin Morose is a ball of furious, malevolent energy, stalking the stage and the dancefloor and unleashing harsh screeched vocals and guttural grunts. Tracks came thick and fast and flew by, Barren were very good at what they do, particularly when changing the speed up, from hyperblast to chugging breakdown they are masters at mixing the pace, flitting seamlessly between grind and death they gave the crowd a masterclass.
Hailing from Manchester and the northwest, a very youthful Disengagement took the stage next and played for me the set of the night. From out of the mouths of babes comes some serious Celtic Frost style riffage in this band's case though that is far from the whole story. Disengagement takes the Celtic Frost/Obituary template and really ramps up the hardcore influence, something which was always present at least in Obituary's music in my opinion. The vocalist in particular was a blur of leaps, kicks and punches, shouting out gruff death growls and encouraging the crowd to move. Seriously, some of these riffs could have come straight out of Trevor Peres playbook they are that good, and that catchy. A tremendous groove and mixture of old and new schools they are an extremely thrilling band and one I will hope to see many times in the future.
Next it was the turn of Snet to pummel the crowd. With a name derived from the Czech word for Gangrene Snet really live up to this, playing fetid and rotten death metal. With a thick sound full of sickness, twisted riffs and churning vocals they put on a real show. They reminded me of early Entombed in terms of atmosphere and energy and had that same rotten, filthy feel.
Last up were heavyweights Hyperdontia, combining talents from Denmark and Turkey Hyperdontia are a true international band. On the precipice of new album ‘Harvest of Malevolence’ dropping they sadly report that copies of the album did not arrive early enough before the tour to be on sale at the merch stand, due to this they only play 2 tracks from the new album but they both turned out to be absolute rippers!! Combined with the intricate, labyrinthine tracks from their earlier career they added a sense of polish and maturity to the evening. Incredibly heavy and drenched in old school atmosphere Hyperdontia were an absolute monolith of death last night, delivering quality death metal to the masses.
As the crowd filtered out after the show it was clear to see all were entertained, smiles adorned faces and despite my ears ringing a massive grin plastered my face too, sign of a quality night!!