Live Review: Resolve – Leeds


Live Review: Resolve - Key Club, Leeds
7th May 2024
Support: Acres, Cane Hill, Half Me
Words & Photos: Martin Hingley

On a Tuesday evening in Leeds, Resolve's European tour makes a stop at the Key Club. As I arrive, a small queue is already forming outside with early birds eager for the night ahead. Inside, the stage is bathed in blue light, ready and raring for the first band of the evening.

Tonight's opening slot belongs to the German heavy metal act Half Me. Hailing from Hamburg, they waste no time in warming up the crowd. With only a half-hour set, they kick things off with an entrance accompanied by German folk music before launching into their song ‘Wraith’. Despite a smaller crowd so early in the night, the band delivers a solid performance with impressive vocals and nice riffs. They certainly seem to win over the early arrivals, likely experiencing them for the first time, as I notice several heads banging along as the set progresses.

Photo Credit: Martin Hingley Photography

Following Half Me is Acres, greeted by a slightly larger crowd. With energy reminiscent of Holding Absence, they make a valiant effort to engage the audience. However, despite their enthusiasm, they seem to lack the spark of the other bands on the line up. While the singer attempts to get the crowd moving along and encourages a wall of death, the crowd's response falls short. Like Half Me, Acres also choose to utilise backlighting throughout their set. It can be understood that they use the lighting to match their sound and create atmosphere, but I feel that this approach contributes to a slight disconnection from the audience.

Photo Credit: Martin Hingley Photography

Taking the stage next is Cane Hill, who is the only support act that I’d heard of before this evening. These guys are the most anticipated act of the evening, the ones that much of the crowd has come to watch. Hailing from the USA, they haven't graced a UK stage in five years, igniting excitement among the crowd. Opening with their 2020 track ‘Kill Me’, they immediately capture the audience with hard-hitting vocals and stellar riffs.

Photo Credit: Martin Hingley Photography

The band asks if anyone attended their last UK performance at Slam Dunk Festival, eliciting enthusiastic cheers from the crowd, indicating that many in the audience are repeat attendees. The band's thirty-five-minute set seems to fly by as they tear through their back catalogue, unleashing both familiar tracks but also incorporating newer material. Closing with the fan favourite ‘Too Far Gone’, they incite a raucous mosh pit and a long queue at the merch stand for meet and greets. As the band's lead singer puts it, they play some “sexy music”.

Photo Credit: Martin Hingley Photography

With three support acts down, it's time for the main event: Resolve. The French band, formed in 2016, takes the stage with a futuristic vibe, complete with electro beats and vocalist Anthony Dilberto in a shimmering silver jacket. Opening with the title track from their 2023 album ‘Human’, the band commands the stage, climbing the stage boxes and platforms, the lead singer elevating above the crowd, ensuring all can see him. Both Antonin Carre (Guitar) and Robin Mariat (Bass) show class and finesse as they rock their respective sides of the stage.

Photo Credit: Martin Hingley Photography

The crowd truly comes alive during the hit ‘Death Awaits’, their voices drowning out Anthony’s vocals. Stating that they are here for a “good time”, Resolve delivers a dynamic set featuring tracks from their repertoire. Midway through, an acoustic guitar emerges, and they slow things down with the ethereal ballad ‘In Stone’, prompting another massive sing-along.

As the band's set draws to a close, it feels like they could easily play longer. The encore arrives prematurely, but with only two albums, an hour is fitting. They exit the stage with thunderous applause, promptly followed by a rush to the merch stand as many from the audience clamour to grab a selfie with them or get their merch signed.

Photo Credit: Martin Hingley Photography

With their infectious choruses, heavy riffs, and captivating live performances, Resolve truly earned the admiration of the crowd tonight. It will be both interesting and exciting to witness the band's future ascent in the rock scene.

Photo Credit: Martin Hingley Photography

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