Live Review: unpeople - SWG3, Glasgow
Support: Artio
9th March 2024
Words & Photos: Laura Muraska-Ross
I’m going to start things off by saying, don’t get your hopes up if you were wanting to read all about Scottish Rockers Vukovi in this review. I’ll explain why further on...
I arrived at the SWG3 at around 7.15pm, picked up my pass from the box office and headed into their Galvanizers venue. The bar was busy, and the main room was filling up quickly with an excited crowd of all ages. Once in the pit, I just had time to get my camera ready before the first band Artio (pronounced R-T-O) took to the stage.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from the Leeds based foursome, but as soon as they took to the stage, it was clear their set was going to be good. Singer Rae Brazill (which is a lead singer name if I ever heard one) was extremely entertaining to watch. They used the stage as a prop, and as a photographer, having a lead singer and band that know how to move about the stage and pose, and work a crowd, makes the job a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable.
Artio’s music is a mix of electronica, metal and alt rock with industrial undertones. They use their music to raise awareness of Queer and Trans experiences and issues, which gives their songs more meaning, and for them I could see a sense of pride when they were playing these to the Glasgow crowd. I really enjoyed their vibe and when I stood back and just watched them for a few songs, I was instantly sucked in which doesn’t happen often when I am reviewing and listening to band after band some weeks. There is something unique and exciting about this band, and I can see big things coming for them. They are already set to play Download 2025, which will hopefully open the path for their own UK tour in the not-so-distant future.
Moving on to the second support act of the night, and the theme of inclusion continues with the band unpeople taking to the stage. I say this, as their name comes from a term to describe a group of people who aren’t considered important or don’t have rights. A term that could describe everyone of us for one reason or another. It felt to me like the bands on this bill are forging a path for a new era of music that will always be be fully inclusive, and this is something I completely dig.
The London based rockers came to the stage with purpose and the crowd lapped it up from the first Scream that lead singer/guitarist Jake Crawford let out into the mic. After shooting the inaugural three songs in the pit I headed out into the crowd to soak in some of the action from their point of view, but just as the band were about half way through their 5th song, the sound completely cut out, the lights went off and apart from some soft lighting which I can only assume were on a backup circuit, the SWG3 was plunged into complete darkness.
Of course, the crowd started chanting ‘Here we, Here we, Here we f***ing go’ while drummer Richard Rayner started drumming along, as I think the general feel was that it would just be a blip and the music, lights and fanfare would be back on any minute. However, that never came, and security staff started urging people to leave, exclaiming that the show was cancelled, and people would receive a refund.
When I made my way back through the confused crowd to get my camera bag from the pit, I saw the band leaving the stage with faces that described their anti-climactic set. I couldn’t help but feel for them and feel for Vukovi who were supposed to be headlining the venue as the final show on their European tour.
Leaving was tricky due to the lack of light and lots of little groups of fans forming to discuss whether they thought, this was really it, but the staff were amazing and assisting with torches and guidance.
When I got home and found out that it wasn’t an issue with the venue and just a general power cut in the whole postal code area of the SWG3, I let out a sigh of relief, as I am sure the owner of the venue did as well. I knew this meant that more gigs would not need to be cancelled, and hopefully things would be back to normal going forward.
A few days later, and in record speed may I add, Vukovi announced that they will be coming back for a do over in Glasgow, at the same venue on 11th April. All previously purchased tickets will be valid, and hopefully they can have the final show to their tour that they deserve.
Photo Credits: Laura Muraska-Ross
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