Bloodstock Bound: Goblinsmoker


Bloodstock Bound: Goblinsmoker

As Bloodstock gets closer, we delve deep into the line up to find out more about some of the bands playing the New Blood and EMP stages at this years event.

Today we chat with Goblinsmoker!

The Razor's Edge: Please introduce yourself and your band mates.

Goblinsmoker: I am Adam, I play guitar and do vocals. On drums we have Michael and for Bloodstock we are going to have a special guest of Jimmy from Orme playing bass for us.

The Razor's Edge: How would you describe your sound?

Goblinsmoker: Big fuzz soaked riff worship doom, with the seething bleakness and atmospherics of black metal. Wrapped up together while telling the fantastical tale of a goblin smoking toad.

The Razor's Edge: How did you land your spot on the Bloodstock bill?

Goblinsmoker: It was a bit of a pincer movement to be honest. We were recommended to Simon, who was booking the bands, by a promoter we had played for in London. Around the same time, Simon had ordered a record from our label, APF Records, who included a download code of one of our tracks. We were then offered a slot. Fate hammering Simon at multiple angles seemed to do the trick.

The Razor's Edge: What does playing at Bloodstock mean to you?

Goblinsmoker: It is huge. We were never meant to play live. This started out as a cathartic project following a period of time when their were a few bumps in the road. Over the years things have continued to snowball, traveling to Europe a number of times to play in Sweden and Germany, playing shows with some of our favourite bands. Now to be getting to play Bloodstock, it feels like everything that has gone before has led us to this pinnacle.

The Razor's Edge: For people who’ve never seen you live, what can they expect at Bloodstock?

Goblinsmoker: Big thick, slow riffs you can nod your head to. With our art and lyrical content being very concept heavy, we like to try and bring a bit of the atmosphere from the goblin forest into the live show. Be this from the smoke effects, lighting or the ambient synth between tracks. A recent live review of our set at Desertfest commented the euphoric nature the set took on. So worst case, we’re a good time.

Bloodstock Bound: Goblinsmoker

The Razor's Edge: What day are you performing?

Goblinsmoker: We’re up on the EMP stage on the Sunday, so we’ll be having a sensible Saturday.

The Razor's Edge: What other bands are you looking forward to watching at Bloodstock this year?

Goblinsmoker: Big one for us this year is Satyricon. To be able to play at Bloodstock, then on the same day go and see them play is really special. We’ve got a lot of friends also playing it this year. Bands like Yersin, Praetorian and Loyds Trip. So being able to share the experience with those is going to be great.

The Razor's Edge: Playing the EMP Stage is just the first steppingstone in a bands journey. What’s next in your plans for world domination?

Goblinsmoker: We actually have our new release, the third instalment of the Toad King trilogy coming out later this year. So being able to play Bloodstock then follow that up with a new release is nice. In truth, we’re coming from a position where we never expected to play live or have any great number of people hear our stuff. So everything we get to experience is super humbling and we’re extremely grateful for. We also have a beer we are brewing with Black Iris Brewing due for release around the time we are playing Bloodstock. So, we can rely on the seductive nature of hops.

The Razor's Edge: Are you camping with the fans? Which campsite are you heading for?

Goblinsmoker: Last year when attending we enjoyed the joys Midgard had to offer. However we’ve been instructed we have to camp in the artist camping. Maybe they’re keeping us locked away, not sure if that’s for our protection, or for that of the fans. We have a bunch of friends who are camping, so will be heading along to their camping area to hang out between bands.

The Razor's Edge: It’s festival weekend, what’s your food vendor of choice on site?

Goblinsmoker: Oh man, anything Mexican and I am there. The food vendor selection at Bloodstock is super impressive though. We indulged in the salt and pepper chicken on more than one occasion last year. So I’m sure we’ll be hitting that again.

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