French Band PORN Release Video For 'Some Happy Moments'.
The French metal band release the latest in their series of videos.In this final act of the Mr Strangler Trilogy and No Monsters in God's Eyes album series, the convicted serial killer Mr Strangler is facing his death, imprisoned and waiting for his execution while also being studied by psychiatrists. Doomed, he tries to remember some happy moments from his life, in vain... And realised that he never felt like a normal human being.
The video was directed by the french director Jeremy Aidan, in Paris.
After collaborating with Tom Baker (responsible for the masterings of legendary albums like Marilyn Manson's Antichrist Superstar, NIN's Downward Spiral, Ministry's Psalm 69 or Rob Zombie's Hellbilly Deluxe...), PORN gave Brian Lucey (Magic Garden Studio in Los Angeles) the task of mastering this album. Lucey previously worked with Ghost, Marilyn Manson, Depeche Mode, Arctic Monkeys, Royal Blood and more.