Album Review: Igorrr - Hallelujah
Reviewed by Carl Black
This is not so much of a review (I really don’t think anyone could possibly review this album and give an true representation of the music that’s contained within) more of a test to see if you have what it takes to get through Hallelujah by Igorrr. The review is written in the same style as the album.
Three...two... one... GO!
Gabba gabba gabba gabba gabba... ALL hail the king, our new born lord... It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again; PUT THE LOTION IN THE FUCKING BASKET... This is the twilight zone... We pulled our trousers up, and nobody knew any different... Its timmmmmmme to set the record straight... Junction 15a off the M25 then straight off the M40... Pounds, shillings and pence... A slow worm is a lizard with no legs... I need a massive spoon... The sun sets in the west... Planes, trains and auto mobiles... He zoomed down at 100mph and some 30 seconds later was unconscious on his face... Mirror, mirror, indicate... It's all doom and gloom... A photo taken by your self is a selfie, a photo taken by someone else is called an "Elsie'... I dare you; I double dare you... Pounds into ounces... Handy Andy can build it with a bit of MDF... Axl Rose is an anagram of oral sex... And on the back is a nice recipe for mushroom soup... Super match game, Super match game , Super match game, poom poom poom, SUPER MATCH GAME.
Congratulations, you have reached the end of the test. You truly have the minerals to listen to this album. Whether you like, enjoy, hate or despise this album is another matter entirely. When Igorrr started recording this album, only Igorrr and God knew what was happening. Now that it's re-released, only Igorrr knows.