Album Review: Destroyed In Seconds - Divide And Devour
Reviewed by Dan Barnes
Although having originally been released in April of 2020 in digital and a limited-edition cassette format, the vinyl version of Los Angeles’ Hardcore Punk reprobates, Destroyed in Seconds, or D.I.S. if you prefer, has finally found a home on Deep Six Records and is ready to launch to an unsuspecting public.
Having released their first couple of albums, Critical Failure and Becoming Wrath, back in 2010 and 2012 respectively, the eight-year hiatus has not mellowed the band one iota and they launch into the album’s title track with the same Entombed-loving verve they incorporated on the previous records.
From that outset D.I.S. arrive with a series of meaty d-beat riffs, featuring the first of the many Very-Metal moments to be heard across the record. Pounding drum and driving guitar, playing with the Swedeath formula and mixing it with chunky breakdowns and chainsaw riffing, gives Divide and Devour an unrelentingly fearsome sound from start to finish.
Sprinkled in amongst the carnage you’ll find moments when the band harken back to the past and lay down some classic metal sounds. For all the Hardcore-influenced gang-vocals on Wraiths there is an unmistakable foundation laid during the heady days of 1980s metal, complete with a frenzied solo and World War When could almost be a homage to the original days of the studded belt and the cut-off denim jacket.
Destroyed In Seconds are not out to redefine the genre with Divide and Devour; instead they deliver a hearty reminder of a time when the guitar was king and the riff ruled. It is fitting that in the year we lose LG Petrov, bands like Destroyed In Seconds demonstrate his influence is still being felt around the music world. A fitting tribute to the man and his work.