Album Review: Bastions – Majestic Desolation
Reviewed by Daniel Phipps
2 years in the making after the U.K. outfit Bastions privately reunited in 2020 following a 5 year break away from music after their final show in London, Bastions are set to unleash Majestic Desolation through one of the UK's busiest labels Church Road Records. The result is an 8 track effort in which Bastions have held respect for their legacy without being caught up in nostalgia.
It’s tough to place where Bastions sit within the hardcore punk landscape style wise as there is a series of variety found within the tracks on Majestic Desolation. Within the 8 tracks on this release they are layered with both melody which in the case of a track like 'Slithering' is more prolific with the song writing and heavier style which at times even has a ever so subtle black metalish edge to the guitar playing such as on Majestic Desolations second track 'A Broken Crown' which weaves between the melody of the verses into that gritty metallic sound of the chorus.

All throughout there is a fairly dark atmosphere through the collection of tracks which is suitably fitting to the title of the album. The tracks gel together extremely well, and the record’s 25 minute run time comes and goes in no time at all whilst still allowing the listener to take in what is being presented in its entirety. Vocally the record has an aggressive but clear vocal tone throughout offering a clear expression of each songs emotion with the performance. The overall production on the record is high quality, allowing everything to be heard crystal clear for the listener.
Majestic Desolation is a well crafted set of tracks, crafted with superb use of both melodic and heavy musical elements, which are extremely well executed. It’s not the normal style of hardcore I pick up and listen too but Bastions are showcasing what made them such a highly regarded and largely influential band in the first place.