Live Review: Smash Into Pieces – London
31st March 2022
Support: Johnny Doom and Scarlet
Words & Photos: Lawrence Potter
This past Thursday I was lucky enough to be in attendance for one of the two U.K shows on the Smash Into Pieces', 'A New Horizon' tour. On an absolutely freezing night, I got to the famous Camden Underworld in London promptly, just over an hour before the doors were due to open. I have to admit before a few weeks ago I wasn't very clued up on these guys and how popular they are but going by how quick the line was forming behind me I was becoming very aware. I already had a good feeling about this one!
About 7pm doors opened and we all piled into the underworld. I quickly raced to the front to secure a good slot to get some shots of the bands. First up we have Johnny Doom from Kerrang! Radio warming the crowd up with some bangers from back in the day to the current day! It's always nostalgic to hear the likes of Slipknot's 'wait and bleed' and Limp Bizkit's 'break stuff' to get you in the mood.
Next up we've got the headliners of the evening. Swedish rockers, Smash into Pieces. The guys hit the stage with that distinctive futuristic vibe they've perfected so well! They go straight into it with 'Wake Up' from their 2020 release, 'Arcadia'.
This was only the start though and the rest of the set was just as pumped! Throwing in some of their big hits such as 'all eyes on you, running away from home' and ending the night on 'Vanguard' and 'boomerang'. Once again I'm reminded of how big these lads are over here with everyone in the crowd singing and screaming along to all the lyrics. The guys put on a great performance sprinkled with some funny moments here and there. Like the front man, Chris Sörbye shamelessly carrying his bottle of wine around on stage. What a legend! Plenty of heavy guitar work, boomy drums and melodic and epic choruses. What's not to love!
Even though they only had a couple of dates over here they really made it count and put on a memorable show for everyone. From what I could see when I looked behind It looked like it was either sold out or very close to. Hopefully this means another tour in the near future?!
All photo credits: L.P. Photography