Album Review: Lord Fowl - Glorious Babylon
Reviewed by Neil Bolton
Having acquired Lord Fowls 2012 album 'Moon Queen' and enjoying it, I was pleasantly surprised to find out about the release of their latest album, and receiving a copy to review added to the elation. This four piece from Connecticut play a retro type rock that often see’s them lumped in with the Stoner Rock fraternity. This could be seen as fair, alternatively they could also could just be seen as a rock band playing a Rival Sons/early Iron Maiden mix very well.
This album 'Glorious Babylon' has had fans waiting for quite some time and has to live up to certain expectations. The first thing you will notice is the terrible mix, the sound is thinner than Joaquin Phoenix playing the Joker. This is a shame, as immediately this spoils any high points that are about to follow. 'Fire Discipline' kicks off straight away rocking your ears in the manner you would hope for, but alas not the sound.
This was recorded at BirdsEye Studios and the producer was bass player in the band Jon Conine. To be honest that just makes things worse. If you can ignore the tepid mix the music does hold its own, nice duelling guitars accompanied by competent vocals. There is a bass guitar in there somewhere and drumming is always on point. The riffs have a cocky swank about them and they are not afraid to be a little different. Track four 'Deep Empty' has a spoken word verse sitting on a nice melodic rocky little number finishing with a guitar solo that deserves to sound better than this. 'The Wraith' has an Ozzy Osborne sounding vocal that again lends itself to the N.W.O.B.H.M sound this band are going for. 'The Gramercy Riffs' has an enjoyable head nodding beat that hooks your ear and keeps hold.
This ten track, thirty seven minute album finishes with the song 'Space Jockey' and once again when the riff kicks in you just wish you could feel it as well as hear it. It's a shame really, if the urge to listen to Lord Fowl washes over me again in the future I may just stick to 'Moon Queen'. I have just gone back in my collection to see if this album has the same sound and I was just listening with a less critical ear. Alas no, 'Moon Queen' sound as good and fresh today as its first listen.
‘Glorious Babylon’ is released on 24th April on Small Stone Recordings.