Album Review: Cannabis Corpse - Nug So Vile
Reviewed by Neil Brannagan-Fuller
I’m still not quite sure if Cannabis Corpse are a parody band or not! Whilst the all signs lead to the band being the Death Metal equivalent of Spinal Tap or Bad News the band muck it up by being too good, making it both stupid and savage at the same time!
If you didn’t know, Cannabis Corpse is the marijuana themed side project of Municipal Wastes Phil Hall along with his brother Josh, and the latest album is the 6th outing for the band and despite the return of the dope filled lyrics, track titles that are sound a-likes of lots of other titles from your death metal favourites this delivers some wholesome death metal goodness!
Despite the titles and the content, this isn’t a case of just swapping the odd word, the new album contains 11 brand new and original slabs of death. From the opening track the war ravaged 'Conquerors of Chronageddon' until closer 'From Enslavement To Hydrobliteration', the band deliver blast beating drums that punish the listener throughout. The guitar work is awesome, with riffs and dive bombs spilling out from the seams and Phil rips out the throat tearing vocals that ‘real’ death metal bands would be proud of! And it doesn’t let up, not even once, this feels and sounds like a serious Death Metal album but it’s more than that, the slight tongue in cheek of the whole album allow it to be more interesting, making the music more enjoyable to listen too.
Death Metal always had a serious edge compared to thrash and Cannabis Corpse have managed to bring a bit of that thrash fun into the mix! If you are a Death Metal aficionado or someone looking for a gateway into the genre, you’ll find this album well worth a listen, pop out and get some Rizla papers if you feel the need, but turn it up loud and enjoy!
Cannabis Corpse release 'Nug So Vile' via Season of Mist on November 1st.