Thrash Metal Charity Album ‘Moshin’ The Roof On’ Ready For Launch.
In 2020 Homelessness in the United Kingdom should be a thing of the past. However, is in reality a plight that increasingly effects people, with nearly 6 Million people in high risk housing, 90,000 in temporary accommodation and hostels and at least 5000 people a night sleeping on the streets.
The Moshin’ The Roof On project was created to show that the U.K Thrash Metal community care about these often-forgotten members of our society. With 26 full thrashing tracks donated by bands from up and down the country this double album will raise vital money to support the Shelter Charity in England, Wales & Scotland and raise awareness of the suffering of others who are often overlooked, ignored and walked past on our streets.
Today the project moved on to the next step, with the 26 tracks and the full artwork being sent to the reproduction company and our double album will soon become reality. The 26 songs, 1 hour 54 minutes of music spans the genre of thrash metal in the United Kingdom, with contributions of all kinds coming in, from remastered 30 year old tracks, re-recordings, exclusive raw demo’s, pre-mastered tracks and all the way through to brand new songs that haven’t been released by the bands themselves yet.
The CD and Digital Download are due for release on the 6th April 2020 and available in physical double CD jewel case and digital download exclusively via BandCamp with original Artwork contributed by Andy Pilkington of Very Metal Art. They are still available to pre-order at https://ukthrash.bandcamp.com but physical copies will be limited once production quantities are finalised – so don’t miss out!
The project couldn’t have got this far without the support of the bands involved, as well as the generosity of time, advice and expertise from the wider metal community!
They also got some video message support from Steve ‘Zetro’ Souza lead singer of Exodus during the recent UK leg of the Bay Strikes Back Tour – check out the video here :

The Charity
All profits raised by this Project are being split between Shelter England/Wales – Charity Number 263710 & Shelter Scotland – Charity Number SC002327
Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through their advice, support and legal services. And they campaign to make sure that, one day, no one will have to turn to them for help. To find out more or get help visit shelter.org.uk
The Bands
The following bands donated tracks for the album - Bangover, Black Talon, Blacklist, Blood Church, Chimp In A Box, Day of Wrath, Dislocator, Elyrean, Excursia, Forgotten Fear, Hellfekted, Hydra Vein, Militia, Novichok, Obzidian, RipTide, Sawticide, Scarred By Truth, Siderian, Sin Theta, Solitary, Steel
Mage, Target Earth, Tempered, Thrashsquatch! Unburier
The Organiser
#ukthrashers are a UK Thrash social media Fan-site, and general lover of all things that Thrash in the UK, we post band news, gig reviews, music reviews and other random nonsense from the UK Thrash Universe as well as a bit of international stuff– we don’t care if the bands we feature have been around for over 30 years or 3 weeks, as long as they’re keeping the United Kingdom Thrashing!
Find more ab out the project: Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : email