Album Review: Animal Schoolbus – Going To Grammy’s House 2021
Reviewed by Matthew Williams
Remember back to the time that you first heard 'Ooh Crikey...' by Lawnmower Deth or 'You Suffer' by Napalm Death and picture the inane grin on your face as you heard short, fast, aggressive songs that were both fun and ferocious, well, Animal Schoolbus is here to put a smile back on everyone’s face.
'Going to Grammy’s House 2021' will resonate with many people on many different levels. Yes, some will see it as gimmicky and childish, but that is why it appeals to me, as the concept of recording your young daughters screams, tantrums and wails is pure genius on the part of multi-instrumentalist Charlie Sad-Eyes, and as a parent, I am insanely jealous of what he has done. My two daughters were always claiming that they 'Did a Good Job' or screamed 'I’m a bear' whilst proclaiming their love of 'A New Backpack' which was usually endorsing a cartoon character of some sort.
This is exactly what music should be all about, fun, exciting, and will make you laugh and cry in equal measure, and if you have kids, then we all know that 'Fruit Snacks Aren’t Candy, They’re Fruit Snacks' however many times we try to proclaim otherwise.
The lyrical warblings of Princess Beast have evolved over the years, to more sophisticated topics such as 'I Can do One Handed Cartwheels' and they work impressively with the excellent musicianship, to create a perfect storm of grindcore.
'Going to Grammy’s House' isn’t going to win a Grammy or an Ivor Novello award, but if you want to listen to a record that will make you smile and laugh, give it a try, plus it also poses one of the worlds most important questions, does Taylor Swift have to clean up her room? Let's hope that Princess Beast gets the answer one day.