Album Review: Chemicide - Common Sense
Reviewed by Matthew Williams
It’s not often that I’m lost for words on any topic, as I can talk for Wales and drone on for hours as friends and family will testify, ha ha (yes, I’m fun at parties, just add single malt!!) but even I had to down tools and stop what I was doing when I first heard the latest offering from Chemicide.
Holy shit, how come I’ve never heard of this band before? This is full on THRASH, with a capital THRASH!!! It’s unbelievable, crushing, relentless, powerful, fast, furious and just, well… brilliant! From the opening drums on 'Self Destruct' to the final plucked guitar strings on 'Disposable', it is 34 mins of head pounding, fist shaking, air guitar playing quality music, that will give you nose bleeds, ear bleeds, the full works, as it pummels every part of your body. This is truly punishing.
Hailing from San Jose, Costa Rica, Chemicide have existed since 2008, and consist of Sebastian on lead guitar, Luis Fer on drums, Palo bass/vocals and Frankie on guitars/vocals. 'Common Sense' is their fourth full length album, and first since 2019’s 'Inequality'. I’ve obviously had my head up my arse to have only just discovered these now, better late than never though eh.

The thing that impresses me the most about these 8 songs, is that the pace is relentless, just as thrash should be. Each song seems to be pushing the band to their absolute limits, for proof of this listen to 'False Democracy' it’s insanely fast and I don’t think I’d survive 30 seconds in a pit when this is played live… but I’d give it a go!!
But the most impressive thing about this album, is that the composition is crazily spectacular. The production and mix is of the highest quality and showcases the bands talents perfectly, 'Lunar Eternity' demonstrates what accomplished musicians they are. I’m a massive fan of being able to hear all the instruments in the songs, no missing bass here that a certain Mr Ulrich prefers, and once again we have another band who are highlighting social inequalities, “The same tyrants are in power” and “Same faces, different lies” very reminiscent of Nuclear Assault on “Handle with Care”.
It is really hard to pick out songs to highlight, as they are all brilliant, and offer the listener, the very best that thrash can offer, and is already an early contender for Album of the Year, it really is that impressive. 'Common Sense' is a very apt title, as Chemicide have taken what thrash is all about and then pushed the boundaries a little bit further, and they’ve succeeded, by producing an album of the highest quality.
Buy the album...
https://ripriderecords.bigcartel.com/https://ripriderecords.bandcamp.com/ CHEMICIDE page at RipRide Records:https://ripriderecords.bigcartel.com/chemicide
I’ve only just discovered these too. They really are brilliant.