Album Review: Mo'ynoq - A Place For Ash
Reviewed by Rick Eaglestone
American black metal outfit Mo’ynoq return with a feral new album 'A Place For Ash'.
The album wastes no time in laying down the gauntlet as 'Penance' is a barrage of savage soundscapes through its entirety with follow up track 'Throes of Ardent Disposition' sweeping in with the same level of intensity but bringing with wonderfully atmospheric elements.
My highlight track for its guitar work is 'Effigies Adorned in Fire' it delivers a differing mood with all the tone changes and some elements gave me actual goosebumps.

Not to be left out the largely instrumental 'Synchromysticism' embodies the aesthetic and the mood of the album wonderfully before a bold final conclusion to the album 'The Beast that Mourned at the Heart of the Mountain' is profound in its delivery it’s emotive yet with a dark centre that is just yearning to release and finally the gates to hell open and a rush of nightmarish horror engulfs the listener one last time.