Release Round Up - November 11th, 2022
Every Friday there is a tidal wave of new music released unto the world. Whilst we try to cover as much as possible here at The Razor's Edge, it's not always possible to review everything. So each week on a Friday we'll round up some of the best new music available, some we've reviewed, some we haven't, but all worth checking out!
Theres a lot of new heavy music hitting the airwaves this week, everything from black metal, death metal, gothic metal, Stoner rock, doom, thrash metal and even some of your traditional heavy fuckin' metal!
Here's what we think you should check out today!

"an audible assault on your senses"
Epica releaase new EP 'The Alchemy Project' this week via Atomic Fire Records.
"The Alchemy Project is another example of how the chameleon continues to change. It’s an essential release, and one that should be of interest to a much wider audience than perhaps otherwise might be expected."
Read our full review here.
Kampfar release ninth studio album 'Til Klovers Takt' via Indie Recordings.
"A compelling mix of dark atmospheres and furious aggression"
Read our full review here.
Monster Magnet revisit their origins on 'Test Patterns: Vol 1'.
"It’s a trip which you’ll possibly need chemical enhancements to fully appreciate."
Read our full review here.
Casket Robbery release sophomore record 'Rituals Of Death' via Blood Blast Distributions.
"ruthless death metal"
Read our full review here.
Dream Unending unleash 'Song of Salvation' this week via 20 Buck Spin.
"The band detail a clear understanding of how to keep us engaged totally without a single blast beat, breakneck paced track or major assault upon our senses."
Read our full review here.
German death metal stalwarts Soul Grinder release 'Anthems From The Abyss' via MDD Records.
"the riffs will open up with those fiery maelstroms of power before unveiling displays of concrete-dense impact"
Read our review here.
Bonecarver release the brutal 'Carnage Funeral' on Unique Leader this week.
"2 step styled riffs which are death metalled up, huge breakdowns and a mixture of high and low vocal styles"
Read our full review here.
Swedes Vittra release 'Blasphemy Blues' this week.
"a fast, technical beast which contains some rippingly sharp riffs and ferocious elements"
Read our full review here.
And thats just the tip of the iceberg! Other releases today we think you should check out include...
Rock / Hard Rock / Classic Rock
About Us - About Us (Frontiers Music)
Blakk Ledd - Heavy Metal Fans (Melodic Passion)
Enuff Z' Nuff - Finer Than Sin Frontiers Music)
Last In Line - A Day In The Life [EP] (earMUSIC)
LaVire - No Truth To Tell Part 1 [EP] (Self-released)
Merryweather Stark Wackerman - Cosmic Affect (metalville)
Pryti - Searching for Now Lost In Again (Welcome to Pariahville Records)
Rook Road - Rook Road (Self-released)
Silence Is Spoken - 11 (WormholeDeath Records)
Steve Hill - Dear Illusion (No Label Records)
The Guitar & Whisley Club - EP [EP] (GWC Productions)
Void Cruiser - Call of the Void (Argonauta Records)
Heavy Metal
Bark - Rambler of Aeons (Listenable Records)
BIWO - Life After Death (Self-released)
Incursion - Blinding Force (No Remorse Records)
Jordan Red - Hands That Built The World (Self-released)
Leatherwolf - Kill The Hunted (N.I.L.8 Records)
Locrian - Archive 3: Visible/Invisible (Self-released)
Mantric Momentum - Trial by Fire (Frontiers Music)
Ring of Fire - Graviry (Frontiers Music)
Scattered Storm - In This Dying Sun [EP] (Blood Blast Distribution)
Death Metal / Grindcore
Ashen Tomb - Ashen Tomb (Godz ov War Productions)
Devilpriest - In Repugnant Abortion (Odium Records)
Dysgnostic - Scar Echoes (Transcending Obscurity Records)
Encryptment - Dodens Fodsel (Nuclear Winter)
Féleth - Divine Blight (Self-released)
Floating - The Waves Have Teeth (Spirit Coffin Publishing)
Harvest Gulgaltha - Ancient Woods (Godz ov War Productions)
Inverted Matter - Harbinger (Avantegarde Music)
Kassogtha - rEvolve (Klang Machine Music)
Lamentations - Passion of Depression (Willowtip Records)
Lokurah - Distorted Truth (Crimson Productions)
MetheS - Demons of my Soul (Self-released)
Nexwomb - Nexwomb (Godz ov War Productions)
Norrskold - Prisma Aeternus (Self-released)
Putrid / Hexorcist - Profane Coronation [SPLIT] (Godz ov War Productions)
Trup - Nie (Godz ov War Productions)
Black Metal
Aldaaron - Supreme Silence [REISSUE] (Paragon Records)
Aldaaron - Arcane Mountain Cult [NEW ALBUM] (Paragon Records)
Arallu - Death Covenant (Hammerheart Records)
Drudkh - All Belong to the Night (Season of Mist)
Lord of Horns - The Forest At Dusk (Sliptrick Records)
Spider God - Fly In the Trap (Repose Records)
Zëlot - Supplices [EP] (Chien Noir)
Kingsmen - Bones Don't Lie (Sharptone Records)
Seething Akira - Nozomi (FiXT)
Void of Vision - Chronicles III: Underworld [EP] (UNFD)
Stoner Rock / Doom / Sludge / Psych
Aittala - Live To Regret (Exitus Stratagem Records)
Dirt Forge - Interspheral (Majestic Mountain Records)
Doomocracy - Unorthodox (No Remorse Records)
Dune Sea - Orbital Distortion (All Good Clean Records)
Empire Drowns - Nothing (Uprising! Records)
Fell Ruin - Cast In Oil The Dressed Wrought (Tartarus Records)
MMXX - Sacred Cargo (Candlelight Records)
Remina - Strata (Avantgarde Music)
Void Moon - Waste of Mind (Obelisk Polaris Productions)
Progressive Rock / Metal
Avandra - Prodigal (Layered Reality Productions)
Chaos over Cosmos - A Dream if Ever There Was One (Self-released)
Constellatia - Magisterial Romance (Season of Mist)
Hedra - The Pecking Order [EP] (Devils Clause Records)
Seventh Station - Heal the Unhealed (Self-released)
Wheel - Rumination (Inside Out Music)
Yurt - V - Upgrade to Obsolete (Self-released)
Zeke Sky - Intergalactic Demon King (Atomic Fire)
Power Metal
Black Hole - Whirlwind of Mad Men (Rockshots Records)
Everfrost - Frostbites (Rockshots Records)
Munroe's Thunder (Ronnie Munroe) - The Black Watch (RFL Records)
Powerwolf - Lupas Dei [15th anniversary reissue] (Napalm Records)
And the rest...
Action/Adventure - Imposter Syndrome (Pure Noise Records) [Pop-Punk]
Bear, Man Dangerous - Unofficial Coworker [EP] (Self-released) [Post-Hardcore]
Black Cross Hotel - Hex (Self-released) [Punk/Industrial/Horror]
Dave Neabore - Retro Inferno (Time To Kill Records) [Soundtrack/Synthwave]
Deux Furieuses - Songs From Planet Earth (Xtra Miles Recordings) [Grunge]
Envy - Seimei [EP] (Pelagic Records) [Hardcore]
Glaston - I Am Whole (Dunk! Records) [Post-Rock]
Heiden - Andzjel (Magick Disk Music) [Post-Rock]
L.S. Dunes - Past Lives (Fantasy Records) [Post-Hardcore]
Nattmaran / Terror Cross - Rise of the Nightmare Terror [SPLIT] (Wise Blood Records) [Thrash Metal]
Orbiter - Head Wounds (Salvaged Records) [Post-Rock]
Scarlet - Circle of Bones (Inverse Records) [Grunge]