Live Review: Hellfekted - Alma Inn, Bolton
15th April 2023
Support: Must Kill, Bloodmores, Vulgore, Dire Thorns
Words & Photos: Neil Bolton
Apologies to Phallic Rage but logistics meant I was not able to get the The Alma in Bolton, in time to catch up with their set. I do believe I missed an appearance of a dancing cow. This in itself is enough to lament missing this band; something I will have to make up for.
It’s not long before the nu metal grunts of Dire Thorns make an appearance. This three piece have a basic sound that does not aim to be subtle or clever, it’s more in your face. All three members are clad in face masks, with the vocalist displaying a rhythmic twitchy body jolt as he delivers his lines. All the while wearing a butcher’s apron. This is obviously the start of this band’s journey so let’s see what they have in store for us.
Vulgore are next and it’s my second time in the same amount of weeks. The first thing I notice is the lack of bass player, leaving vocalist Nathan Meight to take up the mantle. Something he copes with admirably. We get treated to several tracks from the 'Archaic' E.P. While drummer Hayden Ball extravagantly and skilfully keeps time sat in the dark. We go further back in time to the title track of the 'Bliss' E.P, a track enjoyably laced in old skool Deftones. It’s not long before David Jones on lead guitar takes his place in the audience, legs spread, head banging, displaying his magnificent guitar solo skills. Vulgore’s impressive mix of sludgy thrash leaves Bolton impressed.
Lancashire’s Bloodmores bring their melodic death thrash to Bolton next. With two albums already to their name their sound and attitude is already honed. The local rockers give an impressive mix of thrashy death metal, bursting with gruff vocals and fast crunchy riffs. The drumming is on point and speedy, providing that solid base needed in a live situation. Some songs contain a chorus you can sing along to. The tunes go down well with the Bolton crowd, and I feel there is a lot more to come from these boys in the future.
Must Kill are thrash and proud of it. The vocal style may fit with a death metal band, but the musical style aims for and hits the bulls eye of thrash. These guys are fast and precise, causing many heads to bob and bang in the crowd. Must Kill have a nice Bay Area feel to their tunes, a familiar tone that does resonate well. Fingers are shooting all over fret boards in this set, each digit perfectly placed to create this technically professional show. Some of their tunes have nice crunchy mid sections containing well crafted guitar solos, an element that has been very important in this type of music since its inception. It's plain to see that many a new fan has been created with today’s excellent performance. A camp I can firmly place myself in.
So to tonight’s headline band. Many a Helllfekted fan is in this venue, the punters already wearing their merch is testament to this. So with this in mind many an audience member has an expectation in their head for tonight’s show. This Stoke-on-Trent four piece are a thrash band that never seem to stop. A very successful appearance at B.O.A. in the heat of 2022 goes a long way to show the power and absolute metal standing of this band. As soon as they start tonights set you are left in no doubt of the existing quality and potential standing this lady and gentlemen could achieve. Heads are banging, and bodies are thrashing as Becky Webster takes her traditional spot in the middle of the pit to shred and solo. Its just marvellous to witness.
'Stigma' punishes Bolton within an inch of its days and not one person is upset about it. We get a little technical difficulty with Brownrigg’s bass amp, but this only gives us time to bathe in the skills of their new drummer. He fills the void with a drum solo that both entertains and impresses. Liam Stubbs waxes lyrical throughout the show showing his front man skills are on par with his talented musical ones. Hellfekted are on absolutely brilliant form once again this evening, with the set being closed by the top notch single 'Death of Iron'. A future classic track for certain. Thrash is fine and well in Bolton this evening, and to say we got an excellent rendition of 'Anaesthesia-Pulling Teeth', well what more could you want. Any audience expectations were met and superseded. No one leaves tonight with a disappointed demeanour. Some of us leave in a very expensive taxi, happy as hell we made it to today’s show.
Eat The Rude Promotions have managed to put on a special one day event that can only be called a Moohoossive success! Excellent job one and all. Here’s to your next birthday!