Album Review: Winterfylleth - The Reckoning Dawn
Reviewed by Neil Bolton
We are blessed in the United Kingdom to have such a rich and diverse metal scene, and it is wonderful to see a band who first released their demo in 2006 become a band who are now both respected and admired. Winterfylleth have come to embody what a hardworking, talented band can achieve; their English heritage, atmospheric black metal work lifts them aloft above the usual mess of blast beats and noise. This Manchester band has played many a gig both at festivals and theatres, supporting and headlining alike, with their past albums known for receiving accolades from critics and from fans.
The release of 'The Reckoning Dawn' wets the lips!
The first track 'A Greatness Undone' has the characteristics of their brutal English black metal; frantic drumming with guitars swirling around to create a brooding atmosphere that eventually relents to a slower beat. A sense of darkness is still very much apparent until the pace speeds up once more, to be once again joined by Chris Naughton’s distinct vocals. There are no short little ditties on this album. In fact some are around the ten minute mark, giving time for each song to breath and form its own identity.
The wonderful musical introduction to 'Absolved In Fire' is a perfect example of why some of the elitist Black Metal fans cannot digest Winterfylleth. This band use more than just brutality in their music, it is there certainly, but something more thoughtful and atmospheric is present also. The music of the last third of this track has a little more traditional metal feel to it, with the black metal vocals ripping throughout. Enjoyable, anthemic guitars bring this to a close. There is a short acoustic break in 'Betwixt Two Crowns' before we blast into 'In Darkness Begotten'. The opening chord shakes you, and gives warning of the savagery to follow. Always technically proficient Winterfylleth do not let the listener down. Penultimate song and title track 'The Reckoning Dawn' once again is marinated in foreboding (and talent).
Black Metal at its best, performed with astonishing emotion and pagan northern ability.
'The Reckoning Dawn' is released on May 8th via Candlelight Records